Sleepy.Mongoose: A MongoDB HTTP Interface

The first half of the MongoDB book is due this week, so I wrote a REST interface for Mongo (I’m a prolific procrastinator).  Anyway, it’s called Sleepy.Mongoose and it’s available at

Installing Sleepy.Mongoose

  1. Install MongoDB.
  2. Install the Python driver:
    $ easy_install pymongo
  3. Download Sleepy.Mongoose.
  4. From the mongoose directory, run:
    $ python

You’ll see something that looks like:

|      MongoDB REST Server      |

listening for connections on http://localhost:27080

Using Sleepy.Mongoose

First, we’re just going to ping Sleepy.Mongoose to make sure it’s awake. You can use curl:

$ curl 'http://localhost:27080/_hello'

and it’ll send back a Star Wars quote.

To really use the interface, we need to connect to a database server. To do this, we post our database server address to the URI “/_connect” (all actions start with an underscore):

$ curl --data server=localhost:27017 'http://localhost:27080/_connect'

This connects to the database running at localhost:27017.

Now let’s insert something into a collection.

$ curl --data 'docs=[{"x":1}]' 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert'

This will insert the document {“x” : 1} into the foo database’s bar collection. If we open up the JavaScript shell (mongo), we can see the document we just added:

> use foo
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4b7edc9a1d41c8137e000000"), "x" : 1 }

But why bother opening the shell when we can query with curl?

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_find'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 1, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7edc9a1d41c8137e000000"}}], "id": 0}

Note that queries are GET requests, whereas the other requests up to this point have been posts (well, the _hello can be either).

A query returns three fields:

  • “ok”, which will be 1 if the query succeeded, 0 otherwise
  • “results” which is an array of documents from the db
  • “id” which is an identifier for that particular query

In this case “id” is irrelevant as we only have one document in the collection but if we had a bunch, we could use the id to get more results (_find only returns the first 15 matching documents by default, although it’s configurable). This will probably be clearer with an example, so let’s add some more documents to see how this works:

$ curl --data 'docs=[{"x":2},{"x":3}]' 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert'
{"ok" : 1}

Now we have three documents. Let’s do a query and ask for it to return one result at a time:

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_find?batch_size=1'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 1, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7edc9a1d41c8137e000000"}}], "id": 1}

The only difference between this query and the one above is the “?batch_size=1” which means “send one document back.” Notice that the cursor id is 1 now, too (not 0). To get the next result, we can do:

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_more?id=1&batch_size=1'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 2, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7ee0731d41c8137e000001"}}], "id": 1}
$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_more?id=1&batch_size=1'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 3, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7ee0731d41c8137e000002"}}], "id": 1}

Now let’s remove a document:

$ curl --data 'criteria={"x":2}' 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_remove'
{"ok" : 1}

Now if we do a _find, it only returns two documents:

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_find'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 1, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7edc9a1d41c8137e000000"}}, {"x": 3, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7ee0731d41c8137e000002"}}], "id": 2}

And finally, updates:

$ curl --data 'criteria={"x":1}&newobj={"$inc":{"x":1}}' 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_update'

Let’s do a _find to see the updated object, this time using criteria: {“x”:2}. To put this in a URL, we need to escape the ‘{‘ and ‘}’ characters. You can do this by copy-pasting it into any javascript interpreter (Rhino, Spidermonkey, mongo, Firebug, Chome’s dev tools) as follows:

> escape('{"x":2}')

And now we can use that in our URL:

$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_find?criteria=%7B%22x%22%3A2%7D'
{"ok": 1, "results": [{"x": 2, "_id": {"$oid": "4b7edc9a1d41c8137e000000"}}], "id": 0}

If you’re looking to go beyond the basic CRUD, there’s more documentation in the wiki.

This code is super-alpha. Comments, questions, suggestions, patches, and forks are all welcome.

Note: Sleepy.Mongoose is an offshoot of something I’m actually supposed to be working on: a JavaScript API we’re going to use to make an awesome sharding tool.  Administrating your cluster will be a point-and-click interface.  You’ll be able to see how everything is doing, drag n’ drop chunks, visually split collections… it’s going to be so cool.

186 thoughts on “Sleepy.Mongoose: A MongoDB HTTP Interface

  1. Thanks for building this. It’s been working great for me alongside node.js
    I haven’t been able to get the native node/mongo driver to work so I’ve been using this as an alternative. I’ve had no issues with query,insert, or update/upsert so far…even with query batch_size > 100. Awesome.


    1. I’m writing this here for future wonderers. It took me some time to figure how to make the UPSERT work :

      url –data ‘criteria={“x”:1}&newobj={“$inc”:{“x”:1}}&upsert=true’ ‘http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_update’


  2. I was needing to use group so I added the following to I am sure there are lots of improvements that can be made. I have never really messed with python much, so I just copied the find method and made it work for group. The main problem is the reduce and finalize functions. I am doing everything in js and since stringify doesn’t work with functions I am just passing them in as strings. Ex. reduce=”function(obj,prev){ prev.count%2B%2B }”

    def _group(self, args, out, name = None, db = None, collection = None):
    query the database.

    if type(args).__name__ != ‘dict’:
    out(‘{“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “_find must be a GET request”}’)

    conn = self._get_connection(name)
    if conn == None:
    out(‘{“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “couldn’t get connection to mongo”}’)

    if db == None or collection == None:
    out(‘{“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “db and collection must be defined”}’)

    key = {}
    if ‘key’ in args:
    key = self._get_son(args[‘key’][0], out)
    if key == None:

    initial = {}
    if ‘initial’ in args:
    initial = self._get_son(args[‘initial’][0], out)
    if initial == None:

    reduce = None
    if ‘reduce’ in args:
    reduce = args[‘reduce’][0]

    finalize = None
    if ‘finalize’ in args:
    finalize = args[‘finalize’][0]

    cond = {}
    if ‘cond’ in args:
    cond = self._get_son(args[‘cond’][0], out)
    if cond == None:

    data = conn[db][collection].group(key=key, condition=cond, initial=initial, reduce=reduce, finalize=finalize)

    out(json.dumps({“results” : data, “ok” : 1}, default=json_util.default))


  3. Just an FYI: You’re returning “text/json” instead of “application/json” for content encoding. It’s a simple fix in…


    1. Yup, it’s not.  Interestingly, you’re the only person in a year and a half to notice that (or at least point it out). 

      Most people, when they say they want a REST interface, just mean HTTP :-/  


      1. Mostly because I was implementing it as a side project, I’m not very familiar with Python, and I didn’t immediately find examples of how to handle DELETE and PUT with Python’s HTTPServer package.  If I had realized this would be my most popular blog post ever I would have been a lot more careful!


  4. Great Job, I’m using it for Javascript MVC combining Backbone.js and JqueryUI, jstree…
    Thought I may need your help to make a “distinct” request possible via GET but I found out it was possible using “cmd”.


  5. when i send the curl it fails with the following error:

    —————————————-Exception happened during processing of request from (‘’, 9033)Traceback (most recent call last):  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 222, in handle_request    self.process_request(request, client_address)  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 241, in process_request    self.finish_request(request, client_address)  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 254, in finish_request    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 521, in __init__    self.handle()  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 316, in handle    self.handle_one_request()  File “/usr/lib64/python2.4/”, line 310, in handle_one_request    method()  File “”, line 179, in do_GET    (uri, args, type) = self.process_uri(“GET”)  File “”, line 146, in process_uri    (uri, q, args) = self.path.partition(‘?’)AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘partition’—————————————-

    What am i doing wrong


  6. is there any possibility for you to add a _serverStatus command?

    I’m absolutelly innapt at python to try and hack a solution to it right now.or, if it’s capable of doing it, could you demonstrate? is it with the _cmd?


      1. Thanks for the quick reply, but I end up with a problem,

        it gets me:
        {“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “couldn’t parse json: None”}
        when I do it exactly as you wrote right there…
        I am on windows btw, is it possible that that’s the causer?


      2. I am not familiar with curl on Windows, sorry.  Looks like maybe it takes different arguments, that error message means it’s not getting any request parameters (“None”).


      3. well I got a bit further into it, thanks to a previous post here on the way that curl on windows handles the ”s on the commandline (basically it’s the same as you had without the ”s)
        now however am getting a different error:
        c:curl>curl –data cmd={“serverStatus”:1} http://localhost:27080/admin/_cmd{“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “couldn’t parse json: {serverStatus:1}”}


      4. now I feel dumb…
        forgot to escape the “”‘s xD
        Thanks alot for your time!
        now to get this to work with ajax… tad of a problem since I can’t do posts with jsonp xD


      5. Glad it’s working 🙂

        Someone actually just patched sleepy.mongoose to do JSONP, if you download the latest code from Github it should work.


      6. I am using the latest code 🙂 started today with it actually,

        the problem I’m having however is when sending the _cmd as data in an ajax POST I don’t get anything returned to me, since JSONP doesn’t really handle POST cross-domain, unless it’s by a form.
        to better demonstrate here’s my code:$.ajax({ url: query, type: ‘POST’, data: cmd=nomes, dataType: “jsonp”, success: function(response) { console.log(response); }});


      7. back once again ^_^;
        is there any thing that I could change in the source of sleepy mongoose to make _cmd work through a get command? this way I wouldn’t have to think about the same-domain policy of javascript, and I’d be pretty much saved.


    1. Thank you!

      Yes, I try to respond to peoples’ questions and fix bugs as they come in.  It is a side project and not an “officially supported” driver, so it’s not exactly a priority, but I try to keep it usable.


  7. How does one make an authenticated call against a database started with –auth option? I know it had been asked a few times here and you have directed to a couple of links  but they do not cover authenticating a REST request. Could you kindly respond on this matter?


    1. You have to authenticate manually.  Basically, that involves running:

      n = run_command: {getnonce : 1}
      key = md5(n.nonce + username + md5(username+”:mongo:”+password))
      run_command:  {authenticate:1, user:username, nonce:n.nonce, key:key}


  8. Hi, Very impressive module. Once pymongo was installed, the CRUD interfaces worked smoothly even though I would get the following messages on _connect:
    {“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “invalid server uri given”, “server” : “:27017”}
    in http – – [11/Oct/2011 14:48:16] “POST /_connect HTTP/1.1” 200 –
    ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘_parse_uri’
    The post/get worked fine though


      1. I’m also getting this error when trying:
            curl –data server=’localhost:27017′ ‘http://localhost:27080/_connect’

        Please help!


  9. Can someone help me why I keep getting this exception with sleepymongoose? It is very urgent and I truly appreciates it. thanks

    here is exception stack trace. It happens sometimes, but not all of time

    Exception happened during processing of request from
    (‘IP ADDRESS’, 63921)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 222, in handle_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 241, in process_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 254, in finish_request

    client_address, self)

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 522, in __init__


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 316, in handle


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 299, in

        self.raw_requestline =

      File “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line
    346, in readline

        data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)

    error: (104, ‘Connection reset by peer’)


    1. That sounds like MongoDB is closing the connection.  You can probably just retry the operation and it should reconnect.


      1. It is not actually. It happens under load when i run my tests. If I just run it manually, it works. we have set of tests built on sleepymongoose that gets data and then validates against web service response message.


  10. Hi Kristina, I been using sleepymongoose as our rest interface to get data. I am running into this issue. can you help me out?


    Exception happened during processing of request from
    (‘’, 63921)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 222, in handle_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 241, in process_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 254, in finish_request

    client_address, self)

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 522, in __init__


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 316, in handle


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 299, in

        self.raw_requestline =

      File “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line
    346, in readline

        data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)

    error: (104, ‘Connection reset by peer’)


  11.  Hey Kristina, I am running into this issue when I run sleepymongoose on our rest service calls. Can you help me out please? 

    Exception happened during processing of request from
    (‘’, 63921)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 222, in handle_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 241, in process_request


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 254, in finish_request

    client_address, self)

    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 522, in __init__


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 316, in handle


    “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line 299, in

        self.raw_requestline =

      File “/usr/lib64/python2.5/”, line
    346, in readline

        data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)

    error: (104, ‘Connection reset by peer’)


  12. Hi Kristina,
    I have used your mongoDB REST interface for the last couple of months, and its been working without any problems. Thanks for a great and useful interface!

    However, I just upgraded to Lion OSX and had to do some re-install of my some software + libraries. I’m now getting the following error when running $ python

    Traceback (most recent call last):  File “”, line 17, in     from handlers import MongoHandler  File “/Users/Andreas/mongoose/sleepy.mongoose/sleepymongoose/”, line 16, in     from pymongo.son import SONImportError: No module named sonI have no idea what went wrong. Do you have any idea, what is causing this?Thanks


    1. I commented out the line that was throwing the error “from pymongo.son import SON” and everything seems to be working fine now. Will this give me any problems at a later point?


      1. That probably is going to cause problems.  It looks like pymongo’s package structure has changed in newer versions.  Can you try changing that line to “from bson.son import SON”?


  13. Thanks for this very useful software module! One thing that I haven’t been able to figure out is working with HTTPS: I start sleepy mongoose with the ‘-s’ option pointing to my .pem file, but as soon as a client tries to communicate, I get an error that looks something like this:

    Exception happened during processing of request from (‘’, xxxxx)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 281, in _handle_request_noblock

        self.process_request(request, client_address)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 307, in process_request

        self.finish_request(request, client_address)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 320, in finish_request

        self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 615, in __init__


      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 329, in handle


      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 312, in handle_one_request

        self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline()

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 406, in readline

        data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)

    SysCallError: (-1, ‘Unexpected EOF’)

    I have worked with HTTP before, but I am new to SSL. Can you give me a few pointers on getting sleepy mongoose to work properly with HTTPS?


  14. Thanks for this very useful software module! One thing that I haven’t been able to figure out is working with HTTPS: I start sleepy mongoose with the ‘-s’ option pointing to my .pem file, but as soon as a client tries to communicate, I get an error that looks something like this:

    Exception happened during processing of request from (‘’, xxxxx)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 281, in _handle_request_noblock

        self.process_request(request, client_address)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 307, in process_request

        self.finish_request(request, client_address)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 320, in finish_request

        self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 615, in __init__


      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 329, in handle


      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 312, in handle_one_request

        self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline()

      File “/usr/lib/python2.6/”, line 406, in readline

        data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)

    SysCallError: (-1, ‘Unexpected EOF’)

    I have worked with HTTP before, but I am new to SSL. Can you give me a few pointers on getting sleepy mongoose to work properly with HTTPS?


  15. Hi Kristina,

    After installing the Python Driver and downloading Sleepy Mongoose, the file can’t be located when I use the python command.

    Here is the error I receive:

    python: can’t open file ‘’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    Any ideas?




    1. You have to be in the sleepy.mongoose directory you downloaded.  You can see the file in the top-level directory on github, see?  <- that's the file you want.


  16. Hi !
    I have installed Sleepy Mongoose and everything works fine as long as I use curl : curl –data ‘docs=[{“x”:1}]’ ‘http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert’ insert a document in the bar collection :)Now, I would like to do the same in a asynchronous call on my webpage. On the onClick event of a button, I added : jQuery.ajax({url: ‘http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert’, type: ‘POST’, data:’docs=[{x:1}]’})In the sleepy mongoose console, I was getting :localhost – – [01/Nov/2012 16:05:52] “POST /foo/bar/_insert HTTP/1.1” 200 -But the document was not inserted. I noticed a XMLHttpRequest Exception on the client site (not allowed by Acces Control Allow Origin), so I added dataType:’jsonp’ to make my request cross domain safe. I am now getting in the sleepy mongoose console : localhost – – [01/Nov/2012 15:59:46] “GET /foo/bar/_insert?callback=jQuery17103283173660747707_1351781973974&docs=[{x:1}]&_=1351781986136 HTTP/1.1” 200 -Why is it considered as a GET request now ? And still, unfortunately this doesn’t add any document in my collection.Does anyone know what I did wrong ? I would appreciate any help ! Thank you for reading 🙂


    1. I solved the CORS problem by editing “”, replacing

      response_headers = []
      response_headers = [[‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’,’*’]]


  17. (Sorry for the last comment, I have no idea why everything is in a block after posting it ! )

    Hi !I have installed Sleepy Mongoose and everything works fine as long as I use curl : curl –data ‘docs=[{“x”:1}]’ ‘http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert’ insert a document in the bar collection :)Now, I would like to do the same in a asynchronous call on my webpage. On the onClick event of a button, I added : jQuery.ajax({url: ‘http://localhost:27080/foo/bar/_insert’, type: ‘POST’, data:’docs=[{x:1}]’})

    In the sleepy mongoose console, I was getting :
    localhost – – [01/Nov/2012 16:05:52] “POST /foo/bar/_insert HTTP/1.1” 200 –

    But the document was not inserted. I noticed a XMLHttpRequest Exception on the client site (not allowed by Acces Control Allow Origin), so I added dataType:’jsonp’ to make my request cross domain safe.
     I am now getting in the sleepy mongoose console : 

    localhost – – [01/Nov/2012 15:59:46] “GET /foo/bar/_insert?callback=jQuery17103283173660747707_1351781973974&docs=[{x:1}]&_=1351781986136 HTTP/1.1” 200 –

    Why is it considered as a GET request now ? 

    And still, unfortunately this doesn’t add any document in my collection.Does anyone know what I did wrong ? 
    I would appreciate any help ! Thank you for reading 🙂


    1. Apparently you can’t use jsonp+POST:  Can you try either try starting sleepy.mongoose with the –xorigin option or using your hostname?


  18. Thank’s for this usefull tool ! 
    I am currently trying to use the command functionnality in order to do a group by. I followed the exemple provided in the wiki but it looks like I have some issues with the reduce function. 
    When I do the group directly in mongo DB, i get the result I am expecting{key: {v_id:true}, reduce: function(obj, prev) {prev.csum += 1;}, initial: {csum:0}}); gives ==> [ { “v_id” : 172, “csum” : 3 }, { “v_id” : 279, “csum” : 2 } ]But when I try the same with Sleepy mongoose, i get csum : 1 for all the result object. curl –data ‘cmd={“group” : {“ns” : “testcol”, “$reduce” : “function(obj, prev) {prev.csum += 1}”, “key” : {“v_id” : true}, “initial” : {“csum”:0}}}’ http://localhost:27080/test/_cmd gives ==> {“count”: 5.0, “keys”: 2, “retval”: [{“csum”: 1.0, “v_id”: 172.0}, {“csum”: 1.0, “v_id”: 279.0}], “ok”: 1.0}Am I doing something wrong in the way I run the database command ? The second question I have: is it possible to use MapReduce ? Thank you very much ! 


    1. That’s weird.  You can debug JavaScript with print() statements (e.g., add ‘print(tojson(obj)+” “+tojson(prev));” to your reduce.  It’ll be printed to your mongod’s log.  That might help you figure out what’s happening.

      I don’t think MapReduce works with sleepy.mongoose (because Python reorders the JSON fields), but it’s worth a try.


  19. Hi Kristina,

    Thanks alot for this fantastic software!!
    I needed some help.
    On inserting and find operations i am getting the below error:
    {“ok”: 0, “errmsg”: “auto reconnecting, please try again”}

    Also does Sleepy Mongoose work with mongo replica sets?

    Thanks alot


  20. Hi all, I’m using the –xorigin option to GET (HTTP) requests, which works great. When I try to POST (HTTP) back to :27080, however, I get an Access-Control-Allow-Origin error. Is there any way to configure this to allow POST? 


  21. Hi kristina,         You’ve  done a great work! Impressive!
              But I don’t think sleepy.mongoose is really RESTful. The basic idea of REST is to use the GETPUTPOSTDELETE of http protocol to do CRUD operations. However, the ‘create’ operation in your work is  to add ‘_insert’ after the URI  instead of using the standard POST operation. Why should I bother adding extra parts such as  ‘_insert’, ‘_find’ and ‘_update’ at each URI ?


  22. I couldn’t get the existing pyOpenSSL-based HTTPS to work. Apparently this is because PyOpenSSL breaks on Python v2.7 or higher. By using Python’s built in SSL, I was able to make it work. 
    I do import SSL, and then I replaced the following:        BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
            ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)


            self.socket = SSL.Connection(ctx, socket.socet(self.address_family, self.socket_type))
            self.server_activate()with:        BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, HandlerClass)
            self.socket = ssl.SSLSocket(sock=socket.socket(self.address_family,self.socket_type), ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, certfile=fpem, keyfile=fpem, server_side=True)


  23. Installing on Windows I encounter this problem:


    File “”, line 222

    print “n=================================n”
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!


    1. Unfortunately, I’ve never updated it to work with Python 3. You’ll have to use Python 2.* for it to work, as the syntax for “print” has changed.


  24. Hello Kristina first of all thank you very much for this software!

    I am using this tool to make HTTP Queries to my MongoDB Database but somehow I cannot figure out how to do more complex search request than the simple find() method you described in your blog post. I would like to use $and and $or expressions for my search eg:

    { $and: [ { }, { } , … , { } ] }
    But if I escape a statement like this and pass it to the criteria variable I keep getting JSON errors.

    Is it possible to do this types of queries through your REST API?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!


  25. Hi kristina,

    While running this command “$ python”, its giving an error on line 221. When I opened the file, Its the print line code on that line 221. Please help me, what may be the issue.


  26. Hi, a bit of a REST newby question: Is the fact that you can traverse a cursor not in violation of REST principles where there is no state to be stored by the server ?


  27. Hi kristina,
    I am unable to run 4th step python command it shownig error like this ImportError: No module named bson.son


  28. Great Toturial, I was playing around with few MongoDB HTTP/REST Interfacases and this is the one which I was abe to configure quite fast


  29. Hi Kristina,

    I face 2 issues with sleepy mongoose.

    1. I have downloaded sleepy mongoose and i am able to do a get request but when i try to insert data i face issue
    ‘couldn’t parse json’. I use the below curl command
    curl –data docs=[{“x”:1}] http://localhost:27080/test/first/_insert

    I also tried using the rest client in mozila firefox but did not get any response. In the logs i found a not indexable error.

    2. I have enabled authentication for mongodb. How can the credentials be passed for a find or insert.

    Can you please suggest a solution



  30. Hi Kristina,

    I see a curl command for authenticate. Is there any way in sleepy mongoose to close an existing connection after querying

    Thank you


  31. Hey Kristina , when i run this command

    curl –data server=localhost:27017 ‘http://localhost:27080/_connect’
    on terminal and browse http://localhost:27080/_connect then it’ll send back a errmsg

    {“ok” : 0, “errmsg” : “_connect must be a POST request”} how to fix it ??


    1. When you say “browse http://localhost:27080/_connect“, do you mean in a browser? If so, that’s your problem, you can’t do a POST request by typing a URL in the address bar of your browser. You can from the command line (as you wrote above) or by using an HTTP library in whatever language you’re comfortable with.


      1. Thank you for replying, Actualy i want to access database of EDX via browser so when i do this in browser is displays a message like ”
        It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.” That’s why i use sleepy mongoose so that i may be able to access database though browser like phpmyadmin . If you can help me with this i will be very thankful to you .. 🙂


      2. Thank you for reply, Actualy i want to access database of EDX via
        browser so when i do this in browser it displays a
        message like ”
        It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over
        HTTP on the native driver port.” That’s why i use sleepy mongoose so
        that i may be able to access database though browser like phpmyadmin .
        If you can help me with this i will be very thankful to you .. 🙂


      3. Hi Kristina,

        I’ve got the same problem. “_connect must be a POST request”. But I’m trying a post request with jquery. The following are my codes. Where am I doing wrong?

        var mongooesLocation2 = “http://localhost:27080/_connect”;
        var dbServerAddress = {
        server: “localhost:27017”,
        login: “”,
        password: “”

        type: “POST”,
        url: mongooesLocation2,
        beforeSend: function(xhr) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader(“Authorization”, “Basic”);

        data: dbServerAddress,
        contentType: “application/json; charset=utf-8”,
        dataType: “jsonp”,
        error: function(msg) {},
        success: function(response) {


  32. Nice work. Just a detail in Pymongo, Connection could not be imported anymore. So to make will work if you first import MongoClient in
    ”’ from pymongo import MongoClient”’
    and then l.57
    replace Connection() by MongoClient()
    connection = MongoClient(uri, network_timeout = 2)
    except (ConnectionFailure, ConfigurationError):
    return None


  33. Hi kristina,, I am stuck at this point

    Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 17, in from handlers import MongoHandler File “/home/ubuntu/sleepy.mongoose-master/sleepymongoose/”, line 15, in from bson.son import SON ImportError: No module named bson.son


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